Category Archives: Marxism

Those who are fanning Ferguson riots into a race war

Someone is trying to create a race war in the USA. This is presumably to allow a nefarious Police State to emerge without too much hostility. People will become so fed up with the lawlessness, they’ll even put up with losing their rights under the constitution.
The checks and balances have been erased by Obama.

Boycot the African Union

boycott the African Union     <click to read more.

The South Africans and Iranians are among the first to cry ‘racist’, when there is any hint of disapproval of their ways. But expelling Jews from the summit for looking too ‘Jewish’, is a step way too far.

The African Union Summit has expelled the Israeli delegates for looking ‘Too Jewish’. South Africa, and Iran, among others that complained. The Israel delegates were then promptly expelled.
G-d says about Israel: “I will bless those who bless you (Israel), and curse those who curse you”. Which bit of this don’t the Methodists and Presbyterians understand?
In a perverse way, I understand Iran for doing this; they simply hate Jews and make no secret of it. But South Africa is supposed to be a Protestant, (Methodist, URC, Presbyterian) Nation that itself suffered many decades of Racism.

Genesis 12:3 (KJV)
And I will bless them that bless thee (Israel)*, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.
*Brackets are my word.

My solution is to call the African Union racist, AND SEE HOW THEY LIKE IT.
G-d Bless Israel.

Rape and Murder of another Liberal.

Rape and Murder of another Liberal.    <click here

Will these stupid multi-culti liberals never learn? Warning VERY explicit.

Obama is Funding Al-Qaeda and the Caliphate.

Obama is Funding Al-Qaeda and the Caliphate.    < click here. By Pamela Geller.

The Dog Says:-

Why aren’t the US Military questioning the judgement of this Traitor-in-Chief? Please don’t tell me they are all Marxist/Islamists too. Mind you, I’ve noticed the Stalinesque way Obama has cleansed his Military Chiefs of late. Re; South Carolina Nuclear test that wasn’t.

More Signs The Regime Is Failing

The Dog Says:-

To my American friends. Did you know that NONE of this info is making it to the Main Stream Media in Britain. People think I’m ‘Obamaphobic’ (their word not mine) at best, and down right racist at worst.

God Bless America and Britain.

Only Those Fully Insulated From The Effects Of Economic Policies Are Allowed To Make Economic Policies

English: Official picture of Janet Yellen from...

The Dog Says:-

This is the face of evil and the Illuminate. Economists are the foot soldiers of the New World Order. POTUS announces the new Chairwoman of the Federal Reserve; Janet Yellen.

Tommy Has Turned To The Illuminate.

Tommy Has Turned To The Illuminate.    <click here.

The Dog Says:-

There is some debate as to why Tommy Robinson has turned against his principles and moved to the NWO/Islamist/Marxist agenda. How much state bullying can one man take? Prison, for Tommy was the final straw.
But the EDL is NOT finished, just going through another phase. The powers that be must be very afraid of us on the right of politics, or they wouldn’t invest so much effort in ‘turning’ Robinson and Carroll.
No Fucking Surrender Ever.

England Needs Tommy.

England Needs Tommy.    <click here.

The Dog Says:-

I have heard that Tommy Robinson of the EDL has ‘Quit’. Quit what exactly? telling the truth, I doubt it. Quit putting himself and his family in the firing line of English Traitors and their Fifth Column, Muslim handlers? He deserves a rest.
C’mon, give the Man a break. If he has indeed Quit the EDL, and I doubt it, then maybe he above Most Englishmen, deserves a standing ovation and a rest from all the Muslim/Marxist hatred he has to deal with on a daily basis.
God Bless you and Your Family Tommy. Now give this brave man some room to enjoy the family life he so richly deserves.

Do you know what “cracker” means?

The Dog Says:-

So it’s OK to call my Daddy (Supajohnny), “Cracker”, because he’s white (well a little pink with brownie twinges round the forelocks). In my view, if it’s OK to call my dad a “Cracker”, it’s OK to call Black peopleNiggers“. How does this help anyone, Mr Holder. How does this make the world a better place for ALL people, you ASSHOLE?

Anyway, supajohnny’s family were like the rest of the white working class population of Europe and North America. They were victims of the ruling classes too. And NEVER owned slaves.
A point of history here. It was the Arabs, not the Europeans, who initiated and ruthlessly exploited slavery for 1400 years…and still do under the Muslim banner. Look at Libya, they still have black slaves. So, go fu*k yourself Mr Holder. Stop trying to start a race war.

The Season of the Witch…

English: Reverse of the Great Seal of the Unit...

The Dog Says:-

This is one of the most important video’s I’ve ever seen. If we are aware of the plans of the New World Order, We have a chance of challenging it. If we don’t know what it is, who they are and what they’re doing. We will LOSE and lose our very lives and/or end up as slaves. God doesn’t want this. So our first job is to spread knowledge about this group, in particular Bilderberg, Rockefeller etc.. Only when we, the people have knowledge of this nefarious group, can we disable then dismantle them. Don’t forget, they control governments, media, schools and even charities. So our only weapon is the internet. We MUST use this now. We may not always have it. Diane Feinstein is already trying to stop us Bloggers from operating outside their control. We must not allow her and her diabolical scheme to succeed.

End Time Bible Prophecy

Planet Infowars
Sept. 25, 2013

Those that research and observe the New World Order and the Global Corporatists will eventually discover that those who work to spin the Earth and it’s inhabitants do things in Cycles, and they are almost always related to the seasonal changes of the planet.

We have now entered the Season of the Witch

Before the unwashed masses are put in their graves for permanent hibernation, they must be properly terrified of the coming Winter.  This conditioning is to ensure that a full scale revolt will not break out while the Globalists are at their weakest — immediately after the trigger is pulled on a Total Global War to exterminate the population and start over.

Total Global War is not an exaggeration.  The attacks already occur daily on all fronts.  The bullets and bombs are obvious, but a more quiet and sinister brand of…

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Evolution….A Religion in Itself

The Dog Says:-

Theories of Evolution and Darwinism are provably impossible. Now, Turn to Jesus Christ for the truth. The concept of evolution, without God is purely Satanic.

End Time Bible Prophecy

Commentary By:  Gordon King

Evolution, the development of a Universe and all that is in it, including mankind.  Most evolutionists believe that the Universe was created by the “Big Bang” theory. 

A very simplified version for the explanation of the “Big Bang” from the “”:

“The Big Bang theory is science’s best explanation of how the universe was created. The theory asserts that our entire universe was created when a tiny (billions of times smaller than a proton), super-dense, super-hot mass exploded and began expanding very rapidly, eventually cooling and forming into the stars and galaxies with which we are familiar. This event is said to have happened approximately 15 billion years ago.”

I have a lot of problems believing this theory.

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British ‘White Widow’ killed in final assault on Kenyan shopping mall? Officials say body of white woman terrorist found at scene

A Conservative Edge

mail online newspaperHas British ‘White Widow’ been killed in final assault on Kenyan shopping mall? Officials say body of white woman terrorist found at scene | Mail Online.

Samantha Lewthwaite – widow of 7/7 bomber Jermaine Lindsay – wanted by Kenyan police on terror charges
Officials said three Islamist extremists had died during attempts to free their hostages from the Nairobi mall
One said to be a white woman – adding weight to theory that Lewthwaite was behind attack that has killed 62
Downing Street said at least six of the dead are British and warned there was ‘potential for further bad news’

White widow’ Samantha Lewthwaite may have been killed during the Nairobi siege.

As attempts to flush the remaining militants out of a Kenyan shopping centre continued, officials said three Islamist extremists had died during attempts to free their hostages.

Insiders said one was a white woman – adding weight…

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Christians Persuaded To Embrace Gay Marriage Are NOT Christians


Christians Persuaded To Embrace Gay Marriage Are NOT Christians


The Dog Says:-


God instructed us to love people NOT their sins. Love the sinner hate the sin is the most appropriate response.


So why is God against Homosexuality?
Well, it’s not what he designed SEX for. God wants us to procreate, and there are two main ways to do this: Sexual Reproduction and Asexual Reproduction. The latter is really cloning. Very few animals do this. I can only think of the Sea Horse, off-hand. The problem with it is, most genetic mistakes and parasitic infections you are stuck with. But, with Sexual Reproduction, the animal has the chance to overcome genetic problems and out-pace the persistent germ, virus or parasite. So God chose Sexual Reproduction for Humans. But how does God persuade two members of a species to get close enough to each other to breed, then giggle about a bit to finish the act so that the male and female zygote can get together and do their thing by meeting and dividing? The answer was to make the act of procreation between the two animals of the opposite sex really attractive by making it jolly good fun; Technically releasing adrenalin and dopamine, causing both parties immense enjoyment. This makes them want to ‘do it’. But, maybe too much. So he put their genitals in exactly the same place as their excretory organs. Thus causing them to hopefully ‘do it’ only if they really loved each other enough to play with each others ‘wee-wee’ bits.
The problem is, it made them wanna do it very, very much so God had to limit potential contact by introducing the concept of family and in doing so, He made Marriage between two opposite sex couples the only socially acceptable form of sexual interaction.
But, in this sexual, social constriction, the better breeders became the most avid players of the ‘wee-wee’ bits. Sexual drive, particularly among Men, went into overdrive as the better breeders were usually the stronger, more attractive men to others.
However the social control, introduced by God created an imbalance between the number of sexual partners of these men and their increasing sexual urges; control wasn’t enough for these increasingly hedonistic, narcissistic, undersexed men.
Men have always played with their ‘wee-wee’ bit in hard times (pardon the pun). Some found it enjoyable to play with each other, particularly if their playmate was a bit effeminate. They completely lost interest in the core function of sex as a means of pro-creation. They began seeking the pleasure of sex for its own sake, with all the accompanying health risks that go with playing with each others excretory organs.
Disease became the new, natural control for this overactive sexual behavior. And as most of these men completely lost interest in the other sex. Their actual rate of reproduction failed to match, in any way, their heightened sexual proclivity for each other.
This trickled along, fairly harmlessly until the 1950’s in Western Europe and America. Here a Lucifarian attitude to sex was starting to protrude into society. “Do what you will”, became the middle class mantra. And with it we entered into the ‘enlightened’ sexual revolution of the 1960’s on.
There became a massive increase in sexual activity with both sexes. But the irony was that the rate of reproduction among White Western people remained the same and even lowered. By the year 2000, this had dropped to below the point of no return for maintaining a population. At the same time, immigration from non-white countries where less homosexuality was tolerated, still remained four times higher than with the white people’s replacement rate.
God’s worst predictions have indeed been realized. People, particularly the white races have started dying off as the sexual revolution took hold.
So, what is for the future? We must tell our kids that God is right. Homosexuality is wrong, even dangerous to the general population. You see, Gay men are not born that way. Their hyper sexual drive encourages their disregard of sexual control. To the extent that Homosexuals are far more likely to seek out clandestine and harmful relationships than Heterosexual men.
Supajohnny 2013.



Islamic Pbuhphilia, Homophilia and Just Plain ol’ Philia (A Video Montage)

English: Blogger pamela geller. cropped from p...

Nederlands: Geert Wilders op campagne in zwolle

English: Nick Griffin MEP speaks at a British ...

The Dog Says:-

They keep trying to take this website, ‘Sharia Unveiled’, down. Why, because it tells truths that the socialist/illuminate controlled media is afraid of. Knowledge is power. Power that the élite are trying to deny us. The illuminate want to reduce the population of intelligent, enlightened individuals who usually reside in the West and Israel. In other words, US. So they have set up the savages in the world, namely the Muslims to infiltrate and kill us. This is happening all across the middle east and some parts of Europe. In order to stop it and save our very lives, we must have knowledge. This knowledge comes from brave souls like Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer, Sharia Unveiled, Geert Wilders, Tommy Robinson, Nick Griffin and many, many more who are warning us of the Islamic invasion being perpetrated by the Lucifarian, Illuminate and Masonic traitors is our midst. It is a war of words at the moment, but unless we stop it, through deportation and even annihilation of the illuminate élite. We will be wiped out or enslaved. I don’t want this for my, yours or our children’s future. We have a choice, we can submit and accept enslavement with all its obvious horrors. We can lay down bravely and die, usually by beheading. Or we can FIGHT. And fight for our very lives. This is my choice and the reason behind my writing of these blogs. So, make your choice NOW before the choice is made for you. History shows us that the meek, the unprepared and the naïve are killed and forgotten. It’s YOUR choice. I’ve made mine and my choice is to stand and fight. What will YOUR CHOICE BE?

G-d Bless you all.

OUTRAGE!! Journalists now tool of Dictatorship

Supajohnny Says:-

I call myself a Blogger. But in fact I source, disseminate and report on international newsworthy facts, making me a Journalist. I have a degree in Electronics and one in Education. But according to Ms Feinstein, I am not suitable to be a Journalist because I didn’t attend Journalism classes at Uni, despite disseminating much more detailed facts and information than most bona-fide journalists could even dream of. So, what is wrong with ME being a journalist? I am not controlled by one of the most left-wing Unions ever to tarnish our planet. The National Union of Journalists, in the UK and similar in the USA. I am OUT OF GOVERNMENT CONTROL. This is what the left hate, and this is what they are trying to crush.

Government Take-Over, Homosexuality, UFOs, The Walking Dead….Zombies!

Supajohnny Says:-

“I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me”.
Jesus said this. “I AM” is the first name God gave us for himself. Jesus was telling us Who He is. I AM – God in other words. Only by following Him, being shrouded in Jesus can we be acceptable to God the Father.
The New Agers will tell you there are many ways to god. That, in effect calling Jesus, who is God, a liar. This is because Jesus is making it very clear that we cannot be perfect enough to please our Father. All the kindness and goodwill in the world will fall short of being acceptable to God.
Some will say that Hell will be fun with drugs, sex and rock ‘n roll. If that’s what you’re in to, then Hell will be void of all the above. You see our suffering on Earth lasts a mere 70 to 100 years. Whereas going to Hell means no FUN for eternity. What’s that then?
Well, think of it this way. After 30000000000 years of NOT getting anything nice. No rock ‘n Roll, no sex, no friends etc. You realize there is an infinite amount of this left to come. You have not even begun. So, for the sake of accepting Jesus Christ as your LORD and living with another god or an absence of God for a mere 70+ years, you forfeit eternity. Not even the most stupid gambler would take on those odds.
So turn to Jesus, confess your iniquities and ask Him to come into your life. OR, take the gamble of eternity….

End Time Bible Prophecy

Commentary By:  Gordon King

I find it interesting that much of what we first see on television and in the movies, happens in real life.  They may not be actual events which take place, but often include ideas or lifestyles.

For instance movies about the United States government taking control over the population, taking away civil liberties and the right to bear arms.  While this has not happened yet, it is in the making as we speak.

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Released Today: Secret Papers Found–Muslim Brotherhood Plan Exposed! Shocking! Worse Than We Thought!

The Dog Says:-

I like Sid Roth. He is a messianic Jew. Now a Christian.

The Dog and Supajohnny have this important message.
I have some information that might just save your Family and your Soul:-

1) Use every form of media available to you. We bloggers won’t be around forever. Already Governments are planning how to shut us down using our own laws and constitutions. (Changing times and dates).

2) Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem, Gods City. You cannot be Christian and anti-Jew. Methodists, get the hell outta that church, you’re being sold an anti-Semitic lie.

3) Keep your children away from Mosques. If your child comes home from school saying, “We’re visiting a Mosque or Islamic Centre this Friday”. Say “NO YOU’RE NOT”. Pull them out of school and home school them if necessary.

4) Oppose all forms of abortion. This is the very first method of government culling. Particularly Black communities who are being sold this Satanic lie. Yes, I will protect my Black Christian Brothers and Sisters too.

5) Oppose the Marxist alliance of Socialists and Islamists. Their primary goal is to destroy Western Judeo-Christian Civilization. Support Israel where you can.

6)Oppose ALL forms of socialism, globalist, national socialist etc. They are ALL one and the same thing.

7) Last, but not least. Turn to Jesus Christ (Yesuah) as your LORD and Saviour.

Lyn Leahz

Published on Sep 16, 2013

This week on Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural, secret papers show the Muslim Brotherhood’s plan to destroy America and Europe. Counter-terrorism expert Erick Stakelbeck asks why they are frequent guests of the White House. He says America needs to wake up now to the enemy within.



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Common Core/Purpose Control of the Family


Common Core/Purpose Control of the Family    <click here for

Destroy the family, and you take control of society. This is completely Satanic. Control and destruction of the Family and family values through Homosexual advocacy is the one sure way to destroy society from within.
Socialism seeks to destroy society from within so it can be rebuilt using the Socialist/Marxist model. Its two main enemies are The Family and Christianity. Their Church infiltration and Atheist promotion is destroying the Church, whilst the LGBT farce is trying to destroy the Family. We must put a stop to this evil, even if it means returning to the criminalization of Homosexuality. The LGBT cult has proved its fascist credentials and its determination to undermine Christianity.

Sunni Plotted Shiite Removal Fails As More Countries Back Out Of Syria Attack

The Dog Says:-

This is a great analysis of the situation. The Sunni‘s trying to ethnically cleanse the Shite’s from Syria. I never considered that.

BBC Afraid of the TRUTH from Nick Griffin

BBC Afraid of the TRUTH from Nick Griffin    <click here for interview.

This is an interview of Nick Griffin in Syria this week (29/08/2013) by the BBC. They are shown up for their left-wing ignorance and bias. Cameron is shown to be a War Criminal in the ilk of Tony Blair.

The Rebels in Syria are Al-Qaeda and vile Islamists who are hell-bent on bringing the secular government of Assad down by ANY means including Gassing their own people, women and children with Sarin Gas (A weapon of Mass Destruction) then trying to blame it on Assad. How low and sickening can these Islamist rebels get. And how pathetic are the BBC for fawning to them.

The Islamist Rebels are murdering and Raping people (men and women and children not to mention donkeys) on a daily basis. Obama and Cameron are supporting them with the connivance of the BBC.

Fort Hood Muslim Jihadist Major Nidal Hasan, who described himself as “Soldier of Allah”, found guilty of 13 counts of murder

The Dog Says:-

 I hope they sentence him to Death.

Supajohnny Says:-

No Doggie. If they kill him they will martyr him. They should sentence him to Life in Solitary confinement, without Parole.

 What do YOU think?


Are you aware of the danger Britain ? Islam could be dominant UK religion in 10 years / UK News…

The Dog said to jericho777:-

I wish I could get this through to people in Britain, Jeffrey. But I can’t. They seem to be sleepwalking into oblivion. When I try to wake them up. All I get is, “you are just trying to make trouble, we know some ‘nice’ Muslims”.
I say “yes, like the ones who be-headed Lee Rigby et al.” They were considered ‘nice’ by their infidel friends until they…well you know, it’s history now.

DHS worker exposed: ‘Racial warfare’ website calls for mass murder of whites by Janeen Capizola

 Enoch Powell

The Dog Says:-

Rivers of Blood” was predicted nearly five decades ago by Enoch Powell, the then Conservative minister in the UK. Well, he was right wasn’t he?

Thanks for the post by Jericho777, my good friend and Brother in Christ, Jeffrey Hardin.

Libtards Remembered: Vittorio Arrigoni fought for ‘Palestinian rights’ – and was kidnapped, tortured and hanged for being a kafir

The Dog Says:-

Read and learn all you Liberal/progressive assholes and UAF members. They will KILL you too.
We will defend England and throw you to the Muzzie wolves. I wonder if you’ll feel sorry for them as being the victims while they are sawing your head off with a blunt Sheffield Steel knife.

BREAKING NEWS!! Muslim extremist leader Abu Izzadeen attacks Chairman Paul Golding!

The Dog Says:-

My Pal Supajohnny is a paid up member of Britain First and takes attacks on Paul Golding as an attack on ALL of us. When will our so-called government EXPEL this Savage from out Green and Pleasant Land?
Thanks for the post Jeffrey (jericho777)

Planned Parenthood Launches Abortion Video Game

Lyn Leahz

Monday, August 19, 2013 13:39 | DavidLGray.Info

Cecile Richards, CEO of Planned Parenthood, has just announced today (8/8/2013) that the nation’s #1 abortion provider will diversify its revenue stream by teaming with Rock Star Games to launch a business simulation video game. “Due to recent legislation that has painted Planned Parenthood in a negative light, we feel that one of the best ways that we can reach the youth of America, to let them know about all the positive things we do is through video games,” Richards continued, “We hope that this new venture with Rock Star Games will create a new generation of children who respect women’s right and health.”

The game will be called ‘Sim Reproduction Rights’ and will be released just in time for Christmas on December 08, 2013 on the PlayStation, XBox, and PC platforms. This is a business simulation game where the gamer will find…

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The Dog Says:-

I’d like to introduce you to a great blog; Defender of the Faith by Paul Alexander.

Great Post Paul…

~~Defender of Faith~Guardian of Truth~~

 Multiculturalism and Islam in FranceCBN report…

Scroll down for 6 more short videos.

This article and video were originally aired by CBN in 2011,but I feel they need to be re-visited as a warning of the dangers of making concessions to Islam .

The situation still prevails in France and it is being mirrored in most European and Western countries,as our politicians, inexplicably ,sit idly by!

PARIS – In a northern district of Paris, a brave shopkeeper named Marie-Neige Sardin guards her newsstand like a military fort.  As a white woman, she is a minority in the mostly Arab-speaking Muslim area.

Sardin has been the victim of dozens of crimes — raped, robbed, and having acid thrown at her, as other residents try to get her to leave.

Still, Sardin — the daughter of a French soldier — calls her little shop “a piece of French soil inside occupied…

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EDL Street Fighting Man    <click here for my EDL video

The Dog Says:-

I made this video about six months ago. It is still relevant today. In fact even more so. NO SURRENDER.


The most honest statement ever made about Islam along with many of the cult’s rituals that are inexplicable

The Dog Says:-

Now you know the truth about Islam, what are YOU going to do about it? Sit on your fat backside and hope it’ll go away or fight by joining a Nationalist, anti-Islamic group like the BNP or EDL or Britain First.

Do something NOW before it’s too late.

Evil Saudi Muslim Rapes And Kills 5 Yr Old Girl

Evil Saudi Muslim Rapes And Kills 5 Yr Old Girl    <click here.

The Dog Says:-

The girl was HIS daughter. He doubted her virginity, so raped, tortured and killed her. His punishment…a $50000 fine.

We let these sub-humans fund Muslim Schools in our countries (USA and UK). These Muslims are evil vermin that need eradicating from Gods good Earth.