Tag Archives: Satan

Proof Obama is and always will be a Muslim: He can’t hide his ring which says in Arabic-lâ ilâha illâ allâh: There is no God except Allah

Lucifer, by William Blake, for Dante's Inferno...

The Dog Says:-

So, finally we have the smoking gun. Baraq Hussain O bawmaw, (Hebrew for lightning fell from the heights, or Lucifer of Jesus’ warning), is proved to be Muslim. Only a Muslim would wear a Shahada or Bismallah ring on his right hand. It is a mark of the Devil.


Outrage over $300K salary paid to Fort Hood jihad mass murderer spurs legislation | Robert

President Barack Obama paid his respects to th...

The Dog Says:-

The Fort Hood Islamic Murderer should be on bread and water, not $300k pa. Where has the justice in America gone? Obama, the slave of Satan, has stolen it.

With sincere thanks to my good friend jericho777 (Jeffrey Hardin) for posting this.

Video: Liberal says no more mosques until we verify not terrorists

Symbol of Islam, the name of Allah, complete v...

The Dog Says:-

Woof! WOW even the hand – wringing, lefty liberals are saying “ENOUGH – No more Mosque building” At last.

Satan and his Evil Islamic empire must not be underestimated. We, as intelligent Human Beings, must look through the LIES and OBFUSCATION and reject ISLAM.

Even Muslim Clerics concede that if there had been no death penalty for apostasy, Islam would have died out centuries ago.

Planned Parenting is Murdering Children

Planned Parenting is Murdering Children    <click me

I cannot believe sentient Human Beings would even consider this. It goes against nature, God and everything of importance. So, why do these people even have a voice. SATAN, what else. Who else wants to destroy Human Beings, especially CHILDREN. God help us. PLEASE sign the attending petition with the ACLJ to stop this abomination.

I believe this to be a Socialist/Marxist way to control the population and enslave it, whilst calling it, ‘pro-choice‘. Now that is Satanic.

This is not just abortion, it is AFTER BIRTH abortion. Where will it end? Ask Adolf Hitler…

Our Church Needs Discernment

Our Church Needs Discernment

^click for link to video on News That Matters

This ‘new-age’ spirit is NOT the spirit of God in Jesus Christ. If it is not of Christ then who is it?

Of course, it is of Satan.

Don’t get me wrong, I like the Charismatic Church, but I feel that a lot of Pastors are trading TRUTH for popularity. And God does not want that. I feel we need Quality, not quantity.

I have avoided the Church denominations because a lot implicitly deny the Holy Spirit, without realizing it. So, for the moment, my online Christian friends, like YOU are my Church. That is ’till I can find one locally, in Coventry, UK, that doesn’t preach New Age, Socialism and stifles the Holy Spirit. I would urge you to do the same.

May I just remind you where New-Age comes from:-

*Alistair Crowley, father of Satanic New Age, writer of The Book Of The Law, a Satanic Treatise with its motto, ‘Do What Thou Wilt, is the whole of the law’.

*Timothy Leary, the defunct Harvard professor who coined the phrase ‘turn on, tune in and drop out’. This caused a lot of young people in the West to turn to Satan in the 1960’s.

…and Le Vey who created the ‘Church of Satan‘ and wrote the ‘Devils Bible’.

Please, know with whom we are dealing and “test the spirit, Amen.

God or Satan? Who Will YOU Choose?

God or Satan? Who Will YOU Choose?  <(click me)

Do you listen to that still small voice of Sense and Love, which is Jesus Christ? Or do you listen to the world and the Self message of ‘do what you want, its OK’?
Well the Worlds message is explicitly Satanic and will condemn you for eternity.
The do what you want comes from Alistair Crowley who was the father of modern Satanism. He coined the phrase, Do what thou wilt, that is the whole of the law’. He was a homosexual, paedophile, child killer. Yet most of the 20th and 21st Century’s ‘New Age‘ movement was founded by this despicable Man.

They Sold Their Souls For Rock N Roll

This is a long video, but very important. In my youth, I was influenced by such Rock Bands as Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden et al.
I was intelligent, had a degree in Electronics from the Uni of Westminster and a Post Grad Cert Ed from Brunel University.
But music was my god, it led me into drugs, unfaithfulness which resulted in divorce from a wonderful woman and I have never seen my children since. Still, I couldn’t see the cause.
Until I cried in my despair to God, Jesus. He lifted me up, took away the drugs and selfishness and gave me a new family.
I wish I’d seen this video 30 years ago.

SYRIA: Tiny terrorist-in-training

Jesus (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

SYRIA: Tiny terrorist-in-training.

Jesus said “Suffer the Children to come unto me.” Meaning let the children come to Jesus Christ, the LORD. He didn’t say let the Children suffer, of teach the Children how to make others suffer.
These people who persecute and pervert Children can’t know the level of HELL that awaits them. Or they wouldn’t do it. Jesus also said, “Let the Tree be known by its fruit.” The fruit of Islam is Child perversion, murder and lies. The father of lies is Satan, so, who is the father of this fruit, Islam? Yes of course it’s SATAN.

supajohnny (2013)

Temporary tattoos could make ‘electronic telepathy,’ ‘telekinesis’ possible

Temporary tattoos could make ‘electronic telepathy,’ ‘telekinesis’ possible.

This is very interesting. I tend to err on the idea that the mark is the Bismallah worn on the forehead and/or the right arm. It means, ‘there is no god but allah’, I sincerely agree with Walid Shoebat‘s view that the anti-Christ is the Islamic Mahdi, the false prophet is of course Mohammed (or his spirit) and of course the Father of Lies, Death and perdition Satan.
If you look carefully, you’ll see three 6’s lying in different slants. I wonder if this is what John of Patmos saw? He knew Greek, Hebrew, Roman but certainly NOT ARABIC.

Erdogan: ‘I Am a Servant of Sharia’ by sheikyermami on March 21, 2013

erdogan 2012
erdogan 2012 (Photo credit: osipovva)

Erdogan: ‘I Am a Servant of Sharia’ by sheikyermami on March 21, 2013.

Do you know where the ‘Seat of Satan is? TURKEY
Who could be the Gog of Magog? Erdogan.
Watch this space as the Satanic vacuum allows Turkey and Erdogan to come forward as the 12th Imam, The Mahdi – The Anti-Christ.