Tag Archives: Christianity

ISIS Sympathizers Threaten To Bomb Times Square After Islamic State Encourages “Lone Wolf” Attacks

My Dear American Friends,
WAKE UP, whether you like it or not, ISIS/IL have declared war on YOU. Send forces, boots on the ground, air strikes and Nukes if necessary. This is one war you cannot afford to lose. They will convert or BEHEAD you if they win. And…kiss goodbye to ALL your FREEDOMS. You MUST win this my friends.
God Bless America.

MidnightWatcher's Blogspot

Nothing may come of this, but as I’ve said time and again, we shouldn’t only be worried about Islamic terrorists overseas. We’ve got tens of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands, of like-minded Muslims much closer to home …

Hadith, Bukhari 2977, “I have been made victorious with terror” – The “Prophet” Of Islam, Mohammed

Qur’an Sura 33:21, “Indeed in Allah’s Messenger (Mohammad) you have an excellent example to follow for him who hopes in (meeting with) Allah and the Last Day …”

By Oliver Duggan, The Telegraph – “The Islamic State (Isil) has encouraged ‘lone wolf’ attacks by extremists equipped with homemade pipe bombs on Times Square and other high-profile US tourist destinations, according to reports.

A message posted on an Isil forum entitled ‘To the Lone Wolves in America: How to Make a Bomb in Your Kitchen, to Create Scenes of Horror in Tourist Spots and Other Targets’…

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Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson On ISIS: “Convert Them Or Kill Them”

God Bless Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty. Jesus Christ (Yesuah) and ONLY HE can save us from Sin and the consequences of Sin which is Eternal Death.
The lovers of Death are quite clearly of the Devil. So why do people have such a hard time equating Islam, (the religion of death) with Evil and the Devil?
I think that terrorism is working, it is creating so much fear in the west, that people are afraid to mention its cause, EVIL. Satan has enslaved most Muslims into a cult of DEATH. Many of our putative Leaders, Cameron, Obama etc. are so afraid of Islam, they call it a ‘religion of peace’.
They, Islamists want us to ‘convert or die’, well why not turn it the other way round and tell them that They, the Islamists must convert to sanity and normal human beings OR DIE.

MidnightWatcher's Blogspot

Proverbs 20:26, “A wise king sifts out the wicked, and brings the threshing wheel over them.”

Usually any “convert or die” dictum is confined to Islamic terrorists and their war against non-Muslims which demands that all convert to Islam or be killed. Phil Robertson, however, astutely switches the terrorist’s own maxim on its head and pretty much sums up what the West’s response must be in return. Though it would be ideal to see Islamists repent and their mindsets changed from death to life, this will not be possible for the overwhelming majority of “Allah’s” death-loving serial killers (cf. 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12). And since martyrdom for the cause of “Allah” is their highest aspiration, let’s help them to achieve that lofty goal …

Hadith, Bukhari 52:54, “[Mohammed said] I would love to be martyred in Allah’s Cause and then get resurrected and then get martyred, and then get resurrected…

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What Muslims Think of Christianity.

What Muslims Think of Christianity. < click here.

The Dog Says;
You’ve probably suspected this before, but this is irrefutable evidence of how much the Mohammedan world HATES Christians.

Evolution….A Religion in Itself

The Dog Says:-

Theories of Evolution and Darwinism are provably impossible. Now, Turn to Jesus Christ for the truth. The concept of evolution, without God is purely Satanic.

End Time Bible Prophecy

Commentary By:  Gordon King

Evolution, the development of a Universe and all that is in it, including mankind.  Most evolutionists believe that the Universe was created by the “Big Bang” theory. 

A very simplified version for the explanation of the “Big Bang” from the “wisegeek.org”:

“The Big Bang theory is science’s best explanation of how the universe was created. The theory asserts that our entire universe was created when a tiny (billions of times smaller than a proton), super-dense, super-hot mass exploded and began expanding very rapidly, eventually cooling and forming into the stars and galaxies with which we are familiar. This event is said to have happened approximately 15 billion years ago.”

I have a lot of problems believing this theory.

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Government Take-Over, Homosexuality, UFOs, The Walking Dead….Zombies!

Supajohnny Says:-

“I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me”.
Jesus said this. “I AM” is the first name God gave us for himself. Jesus was telling us Who He is. I AM – God in other words. Only by following Him, being shrouded in Jesus can we be acceptable to God the Father.
The New Agers will tell you there are many ways to god. That, in effect calling Jesus, who is God, a liar. This is because Jesus is making it very clear that we cannot be perfect enough to please our Father. All the kindness and goodwill in the world will fall short of being acceptable to God.
Some will say that Hell will be fun with drugs, sex and rock ‘n roll. If that’s what you’re in to, then Hell will be void of all the above. You see our suffering on Earth lasts a mere 70 to 100 years. Whereas going to Hell means no FUN for eternity. What’s that then?
Well, think of it this way. After 30000000000 years of NOT getting anything nice. No rock ‘n Roll, no sex, no friends etc. You realize there is an infinite amount of this left to come. You have not even begun. So, for the sake of accepting Jesus Christ as your LORD and living with another god or an absence of God for a mere 70+ years, you forfeit eternity. Not even the most stupid gambler would take on those odds.
So turn to Jesus, confess your iniquities and ask Him to come into your life. OR, take the gamble of eternity….

End Time Bible Prophecy

Commentary By:  Gordon King

I find it interesting that much of what we first see on television and in the movies, happens in real life.  They may not be actual events which take place, but often include ideas or lifestyles.

For instance movies about the United States government taking control over the population, taking away civil liberties and the right to bear arms.  While this has not happened yet, it is in the making as we speak.

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Common Core/Purpose Control of the Family


Common Core/Purpose Control of the Family    <click here for vineoflifenews.net

Destroy the family, and you take control of society. This is completely Satanic. Control and destruction of the Family and family values through Homosexual advocacy is the one sure way to destroy society from within.
Socialism seeks to destroy society from within so it can be rebuilt using the Socialist/Marxist model. Its two main enemies are The Family and Christianity. Their Church infiltration and Atheist promotion is destroying the Church, whilst the LGBT farce is trying to destroy the Family. We must put a stop to this evil, even if it means returning to the criminalization of Homosexuality. The LGBT cult has proved its fascist credentials and its determination to undermine Christianity.


Detail - Glory of the New Born Christ in prese...

Lion of Judah and Lamb of God. Jesus died for Your sin and My sin. Then, after three days he was resurrected by God the Father. He spoke and ate with many people for forty days. Then he ascended into Heaven to be seated at the Right Hand of God the Father. Meanwhile he sent the Holy Spirit to us to guide, counsel and comfort us.

Lyn Leahz


God has no need to prove Himself to any man; rather, it is man who must prove himself to God. -Lyn Leahz, 8/26/2013

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The Dog Says:-

I’d like to introduce you to a great blog; Defender of the Faith by Paul Alexander.

Great Post Paul…

~~Defender of Faith~Guardian of Truth~~

 Multiculturalism and Islam in FranceCBN report…

Scroll down for 6 more short videos.

This article and video were originally aired by CBN in 2011,but I feel they need to be re-visited as a warning of the dangers of making concessions to Islam .

The situation still prevails in France and it is being mirrored in most European and Western countries,as our politicians, inexplicably ,sit idly by!

PARIS – In a northern district of Paris, a brave shopkeeper named Marie-Neige Sardin guards her newsstand like a military fort.  As a white woman, she is a minority in the mostly Arab-speaking Muslim area.

Sardin has been the victim of dozens of crimes — raped, robbed, and having acid thrown at her, as other residents try to get her to leave.

Still, Sardin — the daughter of a French soldier — calls her little shop “a piece of French soil inside occupied…

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PRAYER NEEDED for Persecuted Brother!

The Dog Says:-

Please pray for our persecuted Brothers and Sisters in Muslim and Communist countries where Our LORD Jesus Christ is hated.

Lyn Leahz


Voice of the Persecuted has received a message from a Pakistani brother who is under constant death threats. He has done much to help the persecuted there, but may need to leave the country to protect his family.

Many times in the Gospel, great men of God were told to leave their present place and did amazing things for God in other areas.

Please pray for this brother and the serious decisions he is making. Pray also that if he must leave Pakistan, he will be able to continue to do great things for Pakistani Christians who are so terribly abused with few to stand up for them!

In the name of Christ and all for his glory!

Follow Voice of the Persecuted on Facebook and Twitter

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The Dog Says:-

Lyn from vineoflifenews has a knack of being able to put appropriate, beautiful imagery to scripture.

Lyn Leahz

13 When I shut up heaven and there is no rain, or command the locusts to devour the land, or send pestilence among My people, 14 if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. 15 Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to prayer made in this place.   2 Chronicles 7:13-15

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John Hurren Says:-

Lord Jesus Christ, I haven’t done enough for You. Please give me the strength and the wisdom to spread Your Word to those who need to hear it. Amen.

The Dog Says:-

When Jesus Christ asks You what You have done with His Gospel during Your time on Earth. How will YOU answer Him?

Lyn Leahz


Ron Graham – StraightAndNarrowMinistry

“For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.” Isaiah 57:15. Many Christians are wondering if there will be a revival soon and should we be praying for one. What is to be expected from a revival? Will a revival change the outlook of today’s society? Revival will occur when folks realize they are steeped in sin and are humble before the Lord. Until that time there will be no real revival.

Today there is a different meaning when revival is talked about in Christian circles. Much of the idea behind a revival today has nothing to do with repentance or humbling ourselves before our

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What Muslims Don’t Want You to Know (Video)

The Dog Says:-

Islam and Nazi’s. This is the same ideology. Just remember where Nazism comes from…SOCIALISM. NAZI’s are National SOCIALISTS.

ALL socialism is globalist EVIL. Socialism is anti-Christ. But Methodists and their kin including the Church of England have forsaken Jesus Christ and replaced God with their Socialist agenda.

Welby calls for Church to join the sexual ‘revolution’

Logo of the Church of England

The Dog Says:-

This is clear proof that the Church of England has lost its way and has become a ‘Synagogue of Satan‘.

Israel’s Sanhedrin Ready to Accept Islamic Mahdi

Jesus (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Israel’s Sanhedrin Ready to Accept Islamic Mahdi.    <click here

The Dog Says:-

The Sanhedrin have it wrong…again. When will they realize that the Messiah, Jesus Christ or Yesuah has already come, was crucified (by them), then was resurrected from the dead on the third day. Incidentally the Jewish Sanhedrin never denied that this happened, they simply tried to cover it up.

And Jesus Christ is coming again for the SECOND time VERY, VERY SOON…And he’s NOT HAPPY.

The Evil ‘Gay’ Agenda.


The Evil ‘Gay’ Agenda.    <click here.

The Dog Says:-

I am not against the right for all people to be able to live in peace and safety. This includes Homosexuals. They have the right not to have other people’s morals forced upon them.

But recently, it has become very clear that anyone who disagrees with their, frankly evil, agenda, should be persecuted, smeared and even KILLED.

Make no mistake, a lot of ‘Gay’ activists would like to murder and see murdered Christians who dare to oppose their narcissistic, Fascist agenda.

[UPDATED] UK: Three WHAT??? are under arrest for slaughtering ANOTHER British soldier, David Ryding, in the street?

British Army Flag
British Army Flag (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

[UPDATED] UK: Three WHAT??? are under arrest for slaughtering ANOTHER British soldier, David Ryding, in the street?.    <click here

The Dog Says:-

More Muslim attacks on British Soldiers in Britain? Hide it all you like MSM. The public are beginning to understand the truth. You cowardly Main Stream Media dhimmies are complicit with the dhimmie government in the Deaths of British Forces and ordinary people by Muslim Murderers.

We the people WILL act and YOU will be held to account…Unless you start telling the British people the TRUTH.

Anti-Muslim blowback soaring in Britain and France is blamed on the media and politicians, never on the actual cause – Muslim supremacist behavior


Anti-Muslim blowback soaring in Britain and France is blamed on the media and politicians, never on the actual cause -Muslim supremacist behaviour.    <click this.

The Dog Says:-

I like to foster and promote a healthy disdain for all things Islamic. Islam is a curse and a Satanic  ideology that has NO PLACE in Western, Judeo-Christian culture.

In the West, we believe in the Rule of Law, Democracy and the superiority of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. Anyone without these core values should find some other Islamic shit hole to live in.

Obama the Socialist

Obama the Socialist

Obama and Hitler – Two sides of the same coin.

First Amendment v. Sharia: Sixth Circuit Asked to Overturn Federal Court Decision that Condoned “Benghazi-like” Attack on Christians

Seal of the United States Court of Appeals for...

First Amendment v. Sharia: Sixth Circuit Asked to Overturn Federal Court Decision that Condoned “Benghazi-like” Attack on Christians.    <click

The Dog Says:-

This seems to be a license for Muslims to practise their Jihad and bring about violence and even death upon people who it deems, say and do things against Islam. This is a direct threat to the 1st amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America. It is, it seems, in keeping with this treacherous Obama Administration’s disdain for the American constitution and its People. It is also a forerunner to complete Socialist/Marxist/Islamist ideological and legal takeover of America.

God Bless/Help America.

The Compassion Of Jesus


The Compassion Of Jesus    <click here!

As a rule, I don’t usually post on a Sunday. But this post by vineoflifenews is so good and Spiritually ‘tuned-in’, that I felt that it would be a good part of OUR Sunday worship of Jesus.

Jesus is God, and is ALL LOVE and ALL JUSTICE.

What comes after the “then”?

Our Father Who Art In Heaven

The Dog Says:-

We must turn fully to the LORD Jesus Christ before God the Father will hear us.
He said, ” I am the way, the truth and the life. No-one comes to God the Father except through ME!”

Serve Him in the Waiting

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

Hear from Heaven

But wait, doesn’t God hear everything, I mean, He is omniscient and omnipresent, right?

Absolutely He is!  But there are prayers He will not listen to or consider.  John 9 gives an account of a blind man who didn’t know who Jesus was, and the Pharisees who were looking right at their Messiah, yet were themselves spiritually blind as to that fact.  They accused the blind man of being physically blind because of sin, whereas in their own spiritual blindness, they could  not grasp their own guilt before God.  Verse 31: Now we know that God heareth not sinners: but if any man be a worshiper of…

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Pat Condell: Our crippling fear of the truth

 Pat Condell
Pat Condell

Pat Condell: Our crippling fear of the truth.    < click here

The Dog Says:-

Pat tells the Truth. Many in the Government and on the left cannot abide the truth; it shines a light on their iniquities and corrupt socialist values. (don’t forget, Hitler was a Socialist). Lefties don’t like to hear that either. Mind you, Islamic bookstores can’t sell Mine Kampf quick enough.


God the Father, Cima da Conegliano, Circa 1510-17.

The Dog Says:-

This applies to Britain too. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the Life. There is no way to God the Father, except through me.”
So interfaith dialog is deceitful, Satanic and should have NO PLACE in Christian churches.

God's Hidden Nuggets for the Endtimes

(Author’s note July 2015: This post was written over 2 years ago and America continues in its steep spiritual, moral, and economic decline. The US Supreme Court recently render a decision to make Same-Sex Marriage mandatory for the 13 of 50 holdout states that were still against it. Thus, America has now become the new Sodom and Gomorrah, whom God once utterly destroyed Ge19:24,25. 

The US National Debt is presently over $18 trillion, equivalent to $60,000 for every man, woman, and child. The debt continues to soar and Congress has no solution to mitigate it. Thus, America is heading for a sure bankruptcy. California’s exceptional drought is heading into its 4th year, with just one year supply of water for human consumption and for agricultural needs. Produce, poultry, and livestock prices will soar, perhaps even doubling!

There are 38 million people now living in California, over 10% of the entire nation! Where will they all go to when the water runs out, and California becomes a…

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Jehovah-Jireh: The-Lord-Will-Provide.


With many thanks to my Sister in Christ, Lyn Leah of vineoflife.com

Supajohnny Says:-

Amen to that. God has taught me to rely on Him in recent weeks. I resisted, at first. I wanted to be in control; me, me, me.
It was only when I relented and repented of my many sins, that God showed me His true might and love. He started to heal me from the inside-out. This is still a work in progress. But oh, how I love the LORD Jesus Christ.

The Dog Says:-

God In Charge…

Church of England creating ‘pagan church’ to recruit members

 Resurrection of Christ

The Dog Says:-

We need Christians in the church, not fence sitters thinking that is Christianity. As Jesus said, “I haven’t come to bring peace, but a Sword”. Which part of Sword do you new age assholes NOT understand?

End Time Bible Prophecy

The Church of England is trying to recruit pagans and spiritual believers as part of a drive to retain congregation numbers.


The church is training ministers to create “a pagan church where Christianity [is] very much in the centre” to attract spiritual believers.

Ministers are being trained to create new forms of Anglicanism suitable for people of alternative beliefs as part of a Church of England drive to retain congregation numbers.

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Proof of the Nephalim’s Existance

King David lifts the head of the Philistine, Goliath.

Proof of the Nephalim’s existence    <Click for vineoflife.net

The Dog Says:-

Thanks to vineoflife.net, I can show you inescapable evidence of the Biblical Nephalim Giants whose descendants include the Goliath killed by King David, Jesus’ direct descendant.

Now Make Your Choice. Heaven Or Hell?

Corcovado jesus
Corcovado jesus (Photo credit: @Doug88888)

Now Make Your Choice. Heaven Or Hell?    <click here.

The Dog Says:-

Thanks vineoflife for this. We are either saved or we are not. Life is but a small twinkling. After 30000000000 years in HELL you realize there is still an infinite eternity of suffering to go. Was it worth it for those few decades of hedonism? I doubt it.

You may die in the next few minutes, so turn to God now and ask the LORD Jesus Christ into your life.

“Oh, F*ck Off, You Racist, Fascist, Zionist, Nazi Bigot”

Yellow badge Star of David called "Judens...

“Oh, F*ck Off, You Racist, Fascist, Zionist, Nazi Bigot”.    <Very funny, click here

The Dog Says:-

This made my day, thanks BNI. The video exposes the ignorant idiocy of the loony left in the West. Try asking them a simple question like. Name a Muslim country that gives Women, Gays and nonMuslims equal rights? You’ll be given a blank expression followed by, “you’re a racist, Nazi fu**ing bigoted Zionist”.

God Tells Us Who We Are- Powerful Bible Verses to Encourage and Conquer

Our Lord Jesus Christ
Our Lord Jesus Christ (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Our Lord Jesus Christ

The Dog Says:-

These are my kind of blogs. Hope and Love from our Lord Jesus Christ is the BEST and ONLY worthwhile thing to hope for .

Darrell Creswell - A Study of Christian Grace

Sky cross Jesus Romans 8 37 dc

We are a child of God . . . Romans 8:16 tells us that God’s Spirit touches our spirits and confirms who we really are. We know who He is, and we know who we are. He is our Father and we are His children. We have been saved, and had nothing to do with it. Ephesians 2:7-8 tells us that saving us was all His idea, and all His work. All we do is trust him enough to let Him do it. It was His gift from start to finish! We didn’t play the major role. If we did, we’d probably go around bragging that we’d done the whole thing! No, we didn’t save ourselves. God does all the saving.

We are freed from oppression . . . Psalms 107:2 says, Oh, thank God—He’s so good! His love never runs out.   All of you set free by God, tell…

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