Tag Archives: Geert Wilders

Islamic Pbuhphilia, Homophilia and Just Plain ol’ Philia (A Video Montage)

English: Blogger pamela geller. cropped from p...

Nederlands: Geert Wilders op campagne in zwolle

English: Nick Griffin MEP speaks at a British ...

The Dog Says:-

They keep trying to take this website, ‘Sharia Unveiled’, down. Why, because it tells truths that the socialist/illuminate controlled media is afraid of. Knowledge is power. Power that the élite are trying to deny us. The illuminate want to reduce the population of intelligent, enlightened individuals who usually reside in the West and Israel. In other words, US. So they have set up the savages in the world, namely the Muslims to infiltrate and kill us. This is happening all across the middle east and some parts of Europe. In order to stop it and save our very lives, we must have knowledge. This knowledge comes from brave souls like Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer, Sharia Unveiled, Geert Wilders, Tommy Robinson, Nick Griffin and many, many more who are warning us of the Islamic invasion being perpetrated by the Lucifarian, Illuminate and Masonic traitors is our midst. It is a war of words at the moment, but unless we stop it, through deportation and even annihilation of the illuminate élite. We will be wiped out or enslaved. I don’t want this for my, yours or our children’s future. We have a choice, we can submit and accept enslavement with all its obvious horrors. We can lay down bravely and die, usually by beheading. Or we can FIGHT. And fight for our very lives. This is my choice and the reason behind my writing of these blogs. So, make your choice NOW before the choice is made for you. History shows us that the meek, the unprepared and the naïve are killed and forgotten. It’s YOUR choice. I’ve made mine and my choice is to stand and fight. What will YOUR CHOICE BE?

G-d Bless you all.

Obama can’t figure out why a young Muslim, who happened to be an Obama voter, “who grew up and studied here resort to such violence?”

 Geert Wilders op campagne in zwolle

My Comment:

Allah’s Apostle (Muhammad) said, ‘I have been made victorious with terror” — Bukhari V4 B52 N220
Don’t the Muslim scum just follow their evil, DEAD master, Mohammed? We, in the West do not need these people in our lands. They are like the fabled ‘Trojan Horse‘, waiting in our lands to kill us. Geert Wilders said it’s 5 to 12′, but no. It is now 12 O’clock and time to rid the West of these scum.