Tag Archives: Antisemitism

Released Today: Secret Papers Found–Muslim Brotherhood Plan Exposed! Shocking! Worse Than We Thought!

The Dog Says:-

I like Sid Roth. He is a messianic Jew. Now a Christian.

The Dog and Supajohnny have this important message.
I have some information that might just save your Family and your Soul:-

1) Use every form of media available to you. We bloggers won’t be around forever. Already Governments are planning how to shut us down using our own laws and constitutions. (Changing times and dates).

2) Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem, Gods City. You cannot be Christian and anti-Jew. Methodists, get the hell outta that church, you’re being sold an anti-Semitic lie.

3) Keep your children away from Mosques. If your child comes home from school saying, “We’re visiting a Mosque or Islamic Centre this Friday”. Say “NO YOU’RE NOT”. Pull them out of school and home school them if necessary.

4) Oppose all forms of abortion. This is the very first method of government culling. Particularly Black communities who are being sold this Satanic lie. Yes, I will protect my Black Christian Brothers and Sisters too.

5) Oppose the Marxist alliance of Socialists and Islamists. Their primary goal is to destroy Western Judeo-Christian Civilization. Support Israel where you can.

6)Oppose ALL forms of socialism, globalist, national socialist etc. They are ALL one and the same thing.

7) Last, but not least. Turn to Jesus Christ (Yesuah) as your LORD and Saviour.

Lyn Leahz

Published on Sep 16, 2013

This week on Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural, secret papers show the Muslim Brotherhood’s plan to destroy America and Europe. Counter-terrorism expert Erick Stakelbeck asks why they are frequent guests of the White House. He says America needs to wake up now to the enemy within.



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EXCLUSIVE Images of Roger Waters’ Jew Hatred; Flashback: Schlussel on Roger Waters’ Anti-Semitic Concerts By Debbie Schlussel

The Dog Says:-

David Gilmore, his former Pink Floyd mate, has performed in Israel. He dislikes Waters with a righteous intensity, as do I.

Obama Wants Israel To Comit Suicide

I knew that Obama was, ‘off the wall’. But this is blatant, anti-Semetic anti-God rhetoric. Israel MUST REMAIN WHOLE. Any Christian who says otherwise is being fooled and is disobeying the Holy Spirit.
From a worldly point of view; no matter how much land Israel gives the Palestinian-Arabs, they will still want to ‘Kill The Jews‘.

Obama: “Give occupied “West Bank” to Arabs. Naftali Bennet: “No occupation within our own land”.

Barak Hussein Obama demands that Israel must surrender the Jewish district of Judea and Samaria

This is what he said in his speech in Jerusalem:

“Given the demographics west of the Jordan River, the only way for Israel to endure and thrive as a Jewish and democratic state is through the realization of an independent and viable Palestine.”

Naftali Bennett, the newly appointed economy and trade minister and a member of the Political-Security Cabinet, had this reply to Obamas demands:

“The results of our latest withdrawal were felt this morning in Sderot and through the thousands of victims born during the last few years,”.

Bennett had in mind Thursdays rocket attack from Gaza on the Israeli border town.

“The time has come for a shred of creativity and innovation in solving the conflict in…

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