Tag Archives: Nationalism

EDL Street Fighting Man

http://youtu.be/EaHmZdGvMgk    <click here for my EDL video

The Dog Says:-

I made this video about six months ago. It is still relevant today. In fact even more so. NO SURRENDER.


Britain Will Be An Islamic Country Within A Decade

http://youtu.be/t1GxqaJ4HsI    <click here for a disturbing video

The Dog Says:-

By the time our Children’s Children are grown up, they will be bowing to Mecca, encased in Burqa’s or BEHEADDED. Only public political action and good old British Bulldog spirit can stop this NOW. We must do this for our Children or, in their slavery to the Satanic ALLAH, they’ll NEVER forgive us.

What Muslims Don’t Want You to Know (Video)

The Dog Says:-

Islam and Nazi’s. This is the same ideology. Just remember where Nazism comes from…SOCIALISM. NAZI’s are National SOCIALISTS.

ALL socialism is globalist EVIL. Socialism is anti-Christ. But Methodists and their kin including the Church of England have forsaken Jesus Christ and replaced God with their Socialist agenda.

UKGSTV – Charity MUST Begin At Home

http://youtu.be/zbLUldptIUc    <click here

The Dog Says:-

We have millions of OUR people below the bread line, living on the streets in the USA and Britain. Not to mention the poverty in Europe. And these advertisers have the audacity to ask (yet again) for more money to the third world. Charity MUST begin at home.

Black Panther Islamist Connection.

Black Panther Islamist Connection.    < click here for Pamela Geller at atlasshrugs.com

The Dog Says:-

It has come as no surprise to me that the American ‘New Black Panther’ movement is connected to the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamists. What does surprise me is that other people in the world seem to have missed this obvious connection…Except Pamela Geller, She has this bunch of ne’er-do-well’s nailed.

This is the reason they are trying to start a RACE WAR over the Zimmerman debacle. Well spotted Pamela.

By the way, Notice the Black Panther’s hatred for Jews. This is a significantly Islamist world view.

Anti-Muslim blowback soaring in Britain and France is blamed on the media and politicians, never on the actual cause – Muslim supremacist behavior


Anti-Muslim blowback soaring in Britain and France is blamed on the media and politicians, never on the actual cause -Muslim supremacist behaviour.    <click this.

The Dog Says:-

I like to foster and promote a healthy disdain for all things Islamic. Islam is a curse and a Satanic  ideology that has NO PLACE in Western, Judeo-Christian culture.

In the West, we believe in the Rule of Law, Democracy and the superiority of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. Anyone without these core values should find some other Islamic shit hole to live in.

First Amendment v. Sharia: Sixth Circuit Asked to Overturn Federal Court Decision that Condoned “Benghazi-like” Attack on Christians

Seal of the United States Court of Appeals for...

First Amendment v. Sharia: Sixth Circuit Asked to Overturn Federal Court Decision that Condoned “Benghazi-like” Attack on Christians.    <click

The Dog Says:-

This seems to be a license for Muslims to practise their Jihad and bring about violence and even death upon people who it deems, say and do things against Islam. This is a direct threat to the 1st amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America. It is, it seems, in keeping with this treacherous Obama Administration’s disdain for the American constitution and its People. It is also a forerunner to complete Socialist/Marxist/Islamist ideological and legal takeover of America.

God Bless/Help America.

The Compassion Of Jesus


The Compassion Of Jesus    <click here!

As a rule, I don’t usually post on a Sunday. But this post by vineoflifenews is so good and Spiritually ‘tuned-in’, that I felt that it would be a good part of OUR Sunday worship of Jesus.

Jesus is God, and is ALL LOVE and ALL JUSTICE.

Calling All British Nationalists

Banner associated with the British National Party.

ImageThe Dog Says:-

I have today re-joined the British National Party. I had a little spat with them over Israel (I am a Zionist), but Britain is my second love, after Jesus. Any differences must be put aside to fight Islam. I ask all my readers to join the BNP or EDL. Let us fight back…

The Muslim Council of Britain say that this attack on the soldier is not Islamic. They lie. Mohammed, the pig of Islam said, in the Bukhari hadith, “I have been made victorious through TERROR”. READ THE KORAN and the Hadiths for yourselves. Don’t take my word for it.

As Sung Su said KNOW YOUR ENEMY.

Let us turn ISlam into WASlam.

“Oh, F*ck Off, You Racist, Fascist, Zionist, Nazi Bigot”

Yellow badge Star of David called "Judens...

“Oh, F*ck Off, You Racist, Fascist, Zionist, Nazi Bigot”.    <Very funny, click here

The Dog Says:-

This made my day, thanks BNI. The video exposes the ignorant idiocy of the loony left in the West. Try asking them a simple question like. Name a Muslim country that gives Women, Gays and nonMuslims equal rights? You’ll be given a blank expression followed by, “you’re a racist, Nazi fu**ing bigoted Zionist”.

Did #Communist Wolf Blitzer From CNN Really Blame Patriots For #BostonBombing ?

Smoking Taliban just after he's made it with his girlfriend the Camel.

PATRIOTS are blamed for the bombing. HOW?

Related articles

Media on Chechens, manipulating the numbers and twisting the truth

The "black flag of jihad" as used by...

 The state flag of the Islamic Caliphate.

The Dog says:-
The media always manipulate anti left facts to suit its own Globalist, Marxist/Islamist agenda.
We Bloggers exist to fight the Mainstream Marxist/Islamist agenda of socializing then Islamizing the Whole World.
We, the Bloggers tell the Truth, only the truth, even if it hurts left-wing, Islamists sensibilities.
We are the NEW MEDIA – Follow US.

“There goes a white boy; go get him!”

We all, (Black and White) people need to come together to fight our common enemy, the Devil. Islam is our scourge, not Black or White people. Black -v- White is a SATANIC lie designed to obfuscate the cause of the real trouble in this world; Islam and the Devil.
But, we must recognise that hatred for Whites IS happening and it can only lead Black people perpetrating this into the Pit where White racist killers of Black people already reside. So, God in His ultimate wisdom will put these violent Black and White people together, FOR ETERNITY in Hell. We should be aiming to be Black and White together in the Love of Jesus in HEAVEN, not Hell.

With thanks to jericho777 for this post.

Pak youth prefer Islamic Shariah to democracy and military rule – The Hindu

Pam Geller ads accusing San Francisco of enfor...
Pam Geller ads accusing San Francisco of enforcing Sharia law (Photo credit: Steve Rhodes)
Countries with Sharia rule.
Countries with Sharia rule. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Pak youth prefer Islamic Shariah to democracy and military rule – The Hindu.

Of course they prefer Sharia. They have no real experience of sharia controlled government. BUT, this is a one-time vote ONCE that will bring in Sharia and damn Democracy FOREVER in Pakistan. You know ‘Your Dog Wouldn’t Like It’, and guess what? Heads Will Roll.

UK: Jobless Iraqi ‘benefit queen’ sublets taxpayer funded £2m flat for £4,000 a week

UK: Jobless Iraqi ‘benefit queen’ sublets taxpayer funded £2m flat for £4,000 a week.
We, You and I, are paying for these parasites to live in luxury. I have seen and spoken to ex-forces people on the streets who couldn’t get a roof over their heads because the priority goes to Muslims on Jihad-Seekers-Allowance (Anjem Choudary said this not me).
It is by far time we repatriated these parasites. To the Islamic Hell-Hole of their choice of the nearest one if they WON’T choose.

AUSTRALIA: Former Muslim terrorist to sue racist Aussie police for calling him a Muslim terrorist

AUSTRALIA: Former Muslim terrorist to sue racist Aussie police for calling him a Muslim terrorist.

NOW LOOK HERE! If you don’t want to be called a terrorist, then STOP BEING A TERRORIST. Or is that too simple.

Islamist Group Congratulates Pope — While Cursing Christians Everywhere

Islamist Group Congratulates Pope — While Cursing Christians Everywhere.
DECEPTION, deception, deception.
The idea is simple, yet effective. Islam knows that there is a small theological chasm between Catholic and protestant versions of Christianity. This is no where near as large as that between Shiite and Sunni Islam. But most Muslims are too stupid to realize that, for the most part, Christians don’t kill each other over this schism any more.
Muslim philosophy here, and they really think they’re being cleaver, is that of Divide and Rule.
But, they (Muslims) still don’t get it. One Father + One Son + One Holy Spirit = ONE GOD.

The West Allows Islamic Hate-Filled Ads, But Not Pamela’s Love Filled Ads

Can you imagine our Beloved Pamela Geller making a similar advert opposing Islam? The world and his dhimmie (wife) would jump out of their pushchairs, dummy-in-hand, crying ‘racist’ (what race is Islam), ‘Islamophobe ‘ etc..

We Are The Media

If we don’t kick out our present Main Stream Media, replace it with people like us. When the truth comes, it may be too late. WE ARE THE MEDIA.

Termination of Pregnancy Is MURDER

Good stuff. This is a step in the right direction. Murdering a Child is no less evil because it has a sanitized, medical name like Abortion or Termination; It is still MURDER and CHILD MURDER at that.

Jesus Loves Israel by Lyn Leahz

By a New Friend found in the most extraordinary circumstance tonight. Thanks to Lyn Leahz for this post.
Jesus always has a truly wonderful way to Humble Me.

Lyn Leahz

And I will bless them that bless you, and curse him that curses you: and in you shall all families of the earth be blessed.

I was talking with God just a little while ago about some things when He revealed something to me.  Now you, the reader, are probably aware of this already, but I had never thought of it, honestly.  I mean, I know we are adopted, but I just never really thought of it quite like this before…not in these words.

I was feeling sad and disturbed about some things, and praying about them, when the Holy Spirit spoke strong to me, “You are Israel!”

I said, “Who? Me?” I thought I was just having a crazy thought.  It sounded weird to me!

Quickly, He replied, “Not just you personally, all of My people who follow, love, and truly obey Me are Israel!  When you read and…

View original post 1,083 more words

Palestinians Insult Their ‘Lover’, Obama.

They are biting the hand that feeds them.

Muslims Bombing Children…Again

Muslims Bombing Children…Again

The Religion of Peace has bombed CHILDREN in Thailand.
Wake Up World. ISlam Isn’t…PEACE

Yasser Arafat looking down on his protege – Barack Hussein Obama

Yasser Arafat looking down on his protege – Barack Hussein Obama.
Barak Hussein Obama, looked down upon by his benevolent Master, Yasser Arafat.
Another fine piece of Blogging by my friend, Bare Naked Islam.
Bare Naked Islam

Those Pious Palestinians [sic] Show Concern For Israel…NOT

And the PA get all sensitive when we remind them, what a bunch of misogynistic, paedophilic, murderous SAVAGES they ARE!

Your GOD Wouldn’t Like It

Hail as big as baseballs pounded some spots in Jackson Mississippi and its suburbs. Hundreds of Americans tries to get relief from Insurers.

Hundreds of claims are pouring in to insurance companies in Mississippi, an early indication of the widespread damage left behind by a hail storm that pounded the capital city and other areas.

Authorities say it’s too early to know exactly how many structures were damaged, but it appears to be a significant amount in Jackson and its suburbs.

Jim Rowles, who works in claims for Farm Bureau Insurance, said his company had received about 500 property claims and 921 automotive claims by 1 p.m. Tuesday.

Hail as big as baseballs pounded some spots in Jackson and its suburbs, and there were reports of even larger hailstones in a few places.

The storms that pushed across parts of Mississippi on Monday left damage in 18 counties, though some…

View original post 269 more words

The Enemedia is set to Kill Jews

Another fantastic Post by my friend Sharia Unveiled…
The New York Times may find this seriously backfiring on them. In particular, if someone is murdered indirectly as a result of their irresponsible reporting.

That’s My Girl. Pamela Geller.

That’s My Girl. Pamela Geller.

Pamela Geller telling the world the truth about ‘Jihad‘ at the CPAC ‘uninvited‘ conference.
I would encourage my readers to take a look at the Atlas Shrugs Blog of Pamela Geller.

Atlas Shrugs – by Pamela Geller

Saudi Arabia Tears Down Column Marking Muslim Claim to Jerusalem

Saudi Arabia Tears Down Column Marking Muslim Claim to Jerusalem.

Muslim Flights of fancy Destroyed in Mecca by Saudi Royal Family
You couldn’t make this up. Not content with destroying everyone else’s holy sites, they destroy some of their own.