Muslim Ask For Pork. Dinnerlady Is Sacked For Complying.

No political correctness

Muslim Ask For Pork. Dinner lady Is Sacked For Complying.    <click here

The Dog Says:-

Will this country’s politically correct dhimmies NEVER desist? The idiots responsible for this Lady’s dismissal need to be themselves sacked for extreme incompetence and political motivated bullying.

What are BBC audiences being told about ME talks?

The Dog Says:-

The BBC is finished. I would ask sensible people to withhold license fees until editorial staff are replaced by true professionals, not left-wing political lackeys.

BBC Watch

The July 30th edition of BBC News website’s Middle East page promotes a filmed report entitled “Why Mid-East peace talks now?” in two of its sections. 


Bell MEPT filmed

Contrary to the impression viewers might receive, this report by Bethany Bell was not made for CBeebies, but was broadcast on BBC television news programmes aimed at adult audiences.

Bell informs her audiences that:

“The Americans are worried that time is running out for peace as more Jewish settlements are built on occupied Palestinian land in the West Bank.” [emphasis added]

The jaded chimera of “time running out for peace” is of course an empty cliché which has been repeatedly promoted by assorted actors for over two decades, but apparently that fact does not stop the BBC’s new Jerusalem correspondent from offering up her own particular contribution to the altar of that myth. 

Neither does it seem that Ms Bell is particularly…

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OUTRAGE: US Pays Gazillions to Fund Taliban University, Shariah Faculty, American Flag Trampling By Debbie Schlussel

The Dog Says:-

How much more proof do we need that Obummer Hussein is a Muslim Usurper-In-Chief?