Tag Archives: multiculturalism

Teddybear Examines The Multicultural Experiment.

Mark Steyn’s video.

The Dog Says:-

This video with Mark Steyn shows up multiculturalism for what it really is. It shows the nefarious and obsequious non-intellectual nature of multiculturalism. Along with Cultural Relativism (where ALL cultures are of equal value), multiculturalism as adopted by our obsequious and naïve socialist governments, seek to turn our ancient Nations into a series of ill-defined, hostile villages. Immigrants are brought into our Nations with promises of Welfare and Healthcare without payment FOR LIFE, with the hope that these grateful people will vote for the Party that brought them here for eternity. Social engineering in schools and Universities have indoctrinated the young for decades that ‘diversity’, is a good thing. And, no-one questions it. It’s true that the diversity of species in nature is a good thing for the health of the DNA pool of Animals. But this idea seems to have been extended, by default, to the Social Structure of Human culture and civilization with little or no thought, analysis or evaluation. It is assumed that ALL human Beings have equally valid World Views and therefore ALL disparate cultures are of equal value in a homogenous civilized Nation. But this has been plainly proved not to be true. All cultures are NOT equally valid for ALL Human Beings. Western Civilization has proved far better for Human growth and development than any other in Human History. We know it, and so do the people who immigrate here (UK) or they wouldn’t do so. They certainly don’t come to Britain, Europe or the USA for the weather. Politicians have for a long time realized that Multiculturalism is an utter failure and that this Social Experiment, for that’s what this is, needs to be ended. Europe is coming around to this. Germany’s President Merkel, and you don’t get much more socialist than her, has finally admitted that Germany’s multicultural experiment is not working, and other European Nations are following suit. Even the British PM David Cameron has acknowledged this fact. So where do we go from here? Well saying, “sorry, we’ve got it wrong, could you please all go back home now?” will not work. We may now be in for decades of lawlessness, riots and even Civil Wars before this can be resolved, if possible. I think a useful first step is to show that we understand the futility of this experiment. The people responsible for its implementation and continuance need to be held to account and severely dealt with to show that in the future any and all social experiments MUST be carefully examined before and during implementation. And, that to err on the side of caution will prevent many people suffering, that there will be consequences for the politicians and enablers if things go wrong, like it is with multiculturalism and finally NO HUMAN society deserves to be part of a heinous experiment like this one again. John Hurren(supajohnny) Teddybear 2013