Tag Archives: Holy Spirit

Students suspended for wearing Confederate flags to protest gay rainbow flag

Glory of the New Born Christ in prese...

The Dog Says:-

Those believing in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, also believe what the Holy Spirit inspired Bible says. Homosexuality is a sin whether we like it or not. These people are saved and will go to heaven. Those who don’t believe in the Divinity of Jesus the Christ, the Son of the Living God and his precepts and laws in the Holy Bible, including the sin of homosexuality, are NOT saved and if they die in this state will go to Hell, whether we like it or not.


The Compassion Of Jesus


The Compassion Of Jesus    <click here!

As a rule, I don’t usually post on a Sunday. But this post by vineoflifenews is so good and Spiritually ‘tuned-in’, that I felt that it would be a good part of OUR Sunday worship of Jesus.

Jesus is God, and is ALL LOVE and ALL JUSTICE.

What comes after the “then”?

Our Father Who Art In Heaven

The Dog Says:-

We must turn fully to the LORD Jesus Christ before God the Father will hear us.
He said, ” I am the way, the truth and the life. No-one comes to God the Father except through ME!”

Serve Him in the Waiting

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

Hear from Heaven

But wait, doesn’t God hear everything, I mean, He is omniscient and omnipresent, right?

Absolutely He is!  But there are prayers He will not listen to or consider.  John 9 gives an account of a blind man who didn’t know who Jesus was, and the Pharisees who were looking right at their Messiah, yet were themselves spiritually blind as to that fact.  They accused the blind man of being physically blind because of sin, whereas in their own spiritual blindness, they could  not grasp their own guilt before God.  Verse 31: Now we know that God heareth not sinners: but if any man be a worshiper of…

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Stinking Sheikhs Hypocracy Exposed By Walid Shoebat

King Abdullah ibn Abdul Aziz in 2002
King Abdullah ibn Abdul Aziz in 2002 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Stinking Sheikhs Hypocrisy Exposed By Walid Shoebat    <click

The Dog Says:-

The lies, taqqiah and obfuscation know no bounds when reasonable men and women try to debate a clearly insane Imam about the source of Islamic Terrorism.

This treatise by a Modern Day Hero and, with the Holy Spirit, Gods blessing. Walid Shoebat, a former PLO terrorist come Peace Maker, makes a razor-sharp attack on the hypocrisy of the  Imam and Sheikh who tries to obfuscate the fact of the Saudi connection to the Boston Bomb attack and MURDER of an innocent 8 year boy among others.

Understanding the Monotheism of the Trinity




Understanding the Monotheism of the Trinity.

This is one of the hardest concepts of Christianity to explain to the new Christian or potentially new Christian.

Sharia Unveiled, who I consider a friend, has made the most succinct and accurate explanation of the Holy Trinity I have ever come across. God Bless You SU 🙂

Please click the link above. She (sharia unveiled) put’s it much better than I can.

Obama Wants Israel To Comit Suicide

I knew that Obama was, ‘off the wall’. But this is blatant, anti-Semetic anti-God rhetoric. Israel MUST REMAIN WHOLE. Any Christian who says otherwise is being fooled and is disobeying the Holy Spirit.
From a worldly point of view; no matter how much land Israel gives the Palestinian-Arabs, they will still want to ‘Kill The Jews‘.

Obama: “Give occupied “West Bank” to Arabs. Naftali Bennet: “No occupation within our own land”.

Barak Hussein Obama demands that Israel must surrender the Jewish district of Judea and Samaria

This is what he said in his speech in Jerusalem:

“Given the demographics west of the Jordan River, the only way for Israel to endure and thrive as a Jewish and democratic state is through the realization of an independent and viable Palestine.”

Naftali Bennett, the newly appointed economy and trade minister and a member of the Political-Security Cabinet, had this reply to Obamas demands:

“The results of our latest withdrawal were felt this morning in Sderot and through the thousands of victims born during the last few years,”.

Bennett had in mind Thursdays rocket attack from Gaza on the Israeli border town.

“The time has come for a shred of creativity and innovation in solving the conflict in…

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